Marc Faber and Mish Shedlock on inflation vs. deflation

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I’m with Mish in this debate of course, since a credit implosion trumps a money printer, I but have the utmost respect for the adroit Swiss. The two of them have much more in common than either has with most other money managers or commentators.

I totally agree with Faber that the US is not a civilized nation anymore, entirely due to the expansion of the state. I could say the same about the UK, Canada, Australia and most of western Europe. The whole region feels like a big kindergarten where the teacher wears a .380 and a bulletproof vest.

Congratulations to Mish Shedlock, star deflationist and gold bug

I want to offer a little praise here for Mish Shedlock, an investment advisor for Sitka Pacific and proprietor of the hugely successful blog, I owe Mish a debt of gratitude as one of the writers who helped me understand our credit money system and anticipate the events of the last couple of years. He was a deflationist back when CPI was ticking in at 12% annualized (June/July ’08), and he has made a series of very prescient market calls.

Robert Prechter of course is the original deflationist who has seen this depression coming since the late 1970s (when he was a lone “bearma bull” and anticipated a great bull market followed by a giant crash and long secular bear market — his mistake was that failed to anticipate just how manic and levered-up society would get in the 1990s and 2000s — he called for a bubble, but not the greatest bubble of all time), but Mish’s writing has been on par with Prechter’s and he has lately bested him when it comes to gold.

I believe Mish has only been following the markets intently since the early 2000s, when he lost his job as a programmer. He used his free time and the internet to educate himself on economics and markets, and thanks to an intelligence uncluttered by a formal economics education or Wall Street voodoo, came to understand that we were experiencing a credit bubble — a business overexpansion and misallocation of resources due to easy access to debt. Debt was cheap because under our fiat money central banking system, bankers had created a cartel for themselves and a safety net. They had a license to blow enormously profitable bubbles and a get out of jail free card in the Federal Reserve, which of course is their own creation. Politicians love this system because it allows them to grow the government at a pace far in excess of the economy, since the Fed can just print money to buy T-bonds.

With his excellent understanding of debt, Mish came up with what I consider to be the best definition of inflation and deflation: inflation is an expansion of money and credit, where credit is marked to market; deflation is a contraction thereof. Rather than looking only at various money measures (M1, monetary base, M2, etc), Mish’s definition is most useful in our system since credit acts like money and dwarfs actual cash.

As Professor Steve Keen has shown, credit expansion precedes monetary expansion. In a fractional reserve world were credit can be created out of thin air with practically no restraints on reserve ratios, commercial banks and other “shadow banking” institutions are in the driver’s seat, not central banking committees. Even as the Fed’s balance sheet (like those of other central banks) has grown from $850 billion in early 2008 to nearly $2.5 trillion today, this increase in cash has been dwarfed by the contraction in private credit (which started out at $50 trillion for the US and is surely much smaller today). This is why cash has been king on Main Street, the recent stock and commodity rally notwithstanding.

Back to the story of the bubble, so long as debt got cheaper and easier, people could afford to take on more, which they did because it allowed them to keep up with their neighbors and feel good about themselves. Also, when credit is expanding, levering up is a fast way to get rich — asset prices soar, since you don’t actually need cash to buy things. A bubble mentality forms: when the only reason to buy a class of asset is because you can sell it to someone else for more (there is no reasonable prospect of sustainable cash-flow), you have a bubble. The bubble bursts when marginal buyers fail to show up and relieve the last round of speculators at a profit, since everyone is already stuffed to the gills with debt and debt-financed assets. When there is nobody left to buy and prices stall, that class of asset becomes a burden (taxes, maintenance, interest), and a crash is imminent. That was 2006 (a clear warning then was the inversion in the yield curve, as demand for credit started to abate and savvy Treasury traders bid up long-dated bonds in anticipation of a drop in short-term rates).

Anyway we all know the story now, but thanks to Mish and others of the Austrian school of economics (Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Prechter, Marc Faber, Jim Rogers), a large segment of the internet-using public was forewarned. I single out Mish here for praise because he has arguably the best record of anyone for calling the shots since 2007.  Of course he was bearish on stocks going into the crash, but as a deflationist he was also bearish on commodities and foreign stocks and currencies, as was Prechter. Like Prechter, Mish called for a turn in the stock market early in 2009, though Prechter has been more prescient in anticipating its duration and magnitude. Mish was bullish on long-term Treasuries in 2008, when Prechter’s EWI was not, and I was glad to be on his side there.

Where Mish has really stood out has been in his understanding of gold. He has always said that gold is money, and he correctly anticipated its strength during deflation. I understand that this may have come from reading or reading about Professor Roy Jastram’s “The Golden Constant,” a study of 400 years of gold’s purchasing power during periods of inflation and deflation under both gold standards and fiat regimes. Jastram’s conclusion is that gold decreases in real value during inflations and increases in value during deflations — in effect, it acts like money. Now, Prechter has always said that gold is money, and he has always recommended holding gold and silver for the depression, since it is likely that the fiat system breaks down in the advanced stages, but he has failed to anticipate that the precious metals bull market would power through these first years of deflation (though he did anticipate the latest manic phase this fall after gold broke upwards in September).

Now solidly over $1200 per ounce, to my eye the gold market looks like a full-blown mania. DSI bullishness has been over 90% for a month now, and has been over 70% for much of the last six months. There have been no significant corrections. Every commercial break on cable TV seems to have an ad from one bullion dealer or another, and former Nixon plumber G. Gordon Liddy is touting it. That said, even if this parabolic rise is followed by a crash of $300 or $500, gold will likely still be leagues ahead of every other asset class since 2007 or 2000 (if gold hits $700, I bet the S&P will be 700 and oil will be $35 again). It truly is acting like money, high-powered, robust money, and it should continue to increase in relative terms even faster if credit strains worsen, as I think they will in 2010 and 2011. And as the US and other governments proceed in the following years to destroy their currencies through continued war and Keynesianism/Socialism, it will truly be a life-saver.

In addition to his excellent market analysis, Mish deserves our thanks for his consistent efforts to fight the bailouts and other thievery and stupidity in Congress. He has also no-doubt played a strong role in advancing Ron Paul’s bill to mandate an audit of the Federal Reserve and to defend it from those who would water it down.

Mish’s success goes to show the power of a geek with broadband connection. Since the formal education system and old news media have become propaganda outfits for the political and corporate parasite classes, if there is any hope for capitalism and a free and prosperous future, it lies with independent nerds.

Mish takes Peter Schiff to the cleaners

Mish has composed a detailed post on the many ways in which the vociferous Peter Schiff has been dead wrong on just about everything in this crash (the two actually had a little debate in December 2007). Mish’s post is essential reading for anyone who is considering following Schiff’s investment advice. In his own way, the man is usually just as wrong as the Pollyannas that he challenges on bubblevision.

Here is an excerpt:

Schiff’s Investment Thesis

  • US Dollar Will Go To Zero (Hyperinflation).
  • Decoupling (The rest of the world would be immune to a US slowdown.
  • Buy foreign equities and commodities and hold them with no exit strategy.

12 Ways Schiff Was Wrong in 2008

  • Wrong about hyperinflation
  • Wrong about the dollar
  • Wrong about commodities except for gold
  • Wrong about foreign currencies except for the Yen
  • Wrong about foreign equities
  • Wrong in timing
  • Wrong in risk management
  • Wrong in buy and hold thesis
  • Wrong on decoupling
  • Wrong on China
  • Wrong on US treasuries
  • Wrong on interest rates, both foreign and domestic

That’s a lot of things to be wrong about, especially given all the “Peter Schiff Was Right” videos floating around everywhere. The one thing he was right about was the collapse of US equities and no part of his investment strategy sought to make a gain from that prediction.

I will admit that I was nearly taken in by Schiff’s thesis back in 2006 when I first became bearish on the economy and stock market. I even opened an account for someone with his firm, but the only thing I did with it was short the US market — I took none of his brokers’ advice on favored mining juniors.

I owe Mish and Robert Prechter a huge debt of gratitude for beating some sense into me with solid logic. Readers can easily check my archives to see my pre-crash stances on commodities, gold stocks, Treasuries, the dollar, the Swiss Franc and the Euro and the inflation/deflation debate. I can report that things have turned out very well for those who went against the crowd of contrarians, swallowed their fear of the dollar, and shorted not just US stocks but almost everything else in sight. All the world was a bubble.

On the need to stay nimble

Yes, the deflationists were right and hopefully all made some money or at least avoided terrible losses, but nobody can afford to get cocky. The markets do not trade on fundamentals on anything but the longest time-frames, so the ability to read the prevailing mood and adjust accordingly is a critical part of asset management. So is the willingness to contradict yourself and change your mind.

I see now that this deflation can last even longer than I had suspected, and that there may be even ways to avoid hyperinflation, such as negotiated Treasury debt forgiveness, but there is no need to try to guess about outcomes that are years away when you know how to read the signs as they come and remain humble and liquid enough to change your stance as needed.

By the way, Mish manages client accounts

Mish is an investment advisor representative with Sitka Pacific (not Euro Pacific!), a firm that manages private accounts on a percent of assets fee basis. I am not a client, but I would not hesitate to suggest giving them a call. I am working on setting up my own firm of this type, which offers many advantages over hedge or mutual funds, especially when set up with the protections that Sitka Pacific has included. My own style of trading is somewhat different from any of the strategies Mish uses (for example, I am willing to go net short or to a majority cash position), and of course I am not always in agreement with Mish on every aspect of the markets.

Two contemporary libertarian greats talk about the crisis.

Mises Foundation founder Lew Rockwell interviewed blogger Mike “Mish” Shedlock on his podcast series:

Link here.

Topics include bailouts, ‘stimulus’ plans, the benefits of deflation, and Mish’s campaigns to end bailouts and abolish the Fed.

Mish is really pushing hard politically. I’m 100% behind him, but I worry a bit about how the gangsters might respond to him now that he is getting so popular.

Also check out Lew Rockwell’s podcast archives and look for Jim Rogers’ interview yesterday.

PS — Sorry again for the lack of posts. I’ve been a bit unsettled of late, having been in the middle of a transoceanic move.

Listen to the people who predicted this: No bailouts, no New Deal, no serfdom.

Here is a list of popular personages who predicted this credit implosion and depression while the bubble was still being blown:

  • Robert Prechter. In 2002, he published Conquer the Crash, How to survive and prosper in a deflationary depression. So far right on the money except gold hasn’t fallen hard (yet).
  • Jim Rogers. The man has good timing when it counts. He bought a NYC townhouse for 107k in 1977 and sold it for 16 million last year and got the heck out of Dodge. He moved his family, business and money to Singapore and shorted the US market. Missed the turn in commodities, though, and refused to sell China out of some kind of principle.
  • Peter Schiff. Published Crash Proof in 2006, which has been pretty accurate other than Schiff’s missing the deflation stage and holding commodities and foreign stocks too long. The results of the New Deal and bailouts are likely end with the currency failure he predicts.
  • Mish Shedlock. Publisher of a popular blog, Mish has been warning of a deflationary depression since 2005 or 2006, and now has the best record of predicting its course (deflation, bailouts, gold and the dollar doing well).
  • David Tice. Manager of the Prudent Bear Fund, BEARX, which is performing spectacularly.
  • Doug Casey, the original international speculator, and publisher of the Casey Research newsletters. Missed the deflation part, also burned by commodities, but spot on about fascism.

There are countless others who saw this coming, including Congressman Ron Paul, who’s own studies of monetary policy inspired him to first run for office.

What do all of these men have in common that allowed them to see around the corner? They understand money and the credit cycle. How did they learn it? Not in college, that’s for sure, because colleges teach perverse Keynesian claptrap. They have all read the Austrian economists, in particular Ludwig von Mises and his American pupil Murray Rothbard. Their explanation of the business cycle as the credit cycle is both elegant and extremely powerful.

And what do all of these followers of the Austrian School think we (meaning our governments) should do, now that their worst fears are coming true? In a word, to a man, nothing.

Don’t fear the crash. Fear fascism.

You see, the very worst fear of Austrians is not a crash or a depression, which is actually the healthy restoration of sanity after a credit-fueled mania, but the expansion of government that seems to follow these events like day follows night. Frederic Hayek laid out these fears in The Road to Serfdom, and that is exactly where we are going: utter economic collapse. The government is going to hamstring the markets and drain our resources for its pet projects and wars, all for our own good. Their aim is to stave off a proper accounting of the losses that have already taken place, and to preserve the power of those who inflated our way into this mess.

The damage from the bubble is already done. Government adds new damage.

What not one person in 10,000 understands is that the losses have already taken place. The losses were the waste of resources and labor for doomed endeavors that never made sense: think McMansions in the desert, and the roads, power plants and strip malls that served them. The price declines that we are now experiencing are necessary to restore valuations that reflect true values, because proper pricing clears markets — it allows people to accurately assess the worth of certain items against that of others.

A 5000 sqaure foot house on a dry hillside 20 miles outside of Phoenix is a money pit, not a million dollars. It was never properly valued in terms of the labor and raw materials that went into it. But because bankers, backed up by the Fed and various government programs and guarantees, would lend $1 million to buy it, those resources were drawn out into the desert instead of to sustainable productive uses.

An honest, gold-backed monetary system and a free-market banking system with no government support would never have allowed bankers to misprice assets so greatly. Any that did would face severe difficulties inducing the public to trust them with deposits. But with FDIC, who cares what your bank does with your money? And bankers say, “with the Fed to bail me out, who cares if all my loans blow up?”

What will happen if government doesn’t lift a finger?

The owners of McMansions will lose them to the banks or other mortgage holders, and those mortgage holders, if they bought the paper with loans of their own, will lose them to others, and so on. Almost every bank in the world will fail. They have all come to depend on deposit insurance and central banks to cover for the fact that they have been reckless and insolvent from nearly day one. There will be no bank lending at all.

What will happen to the depositors? Well, almost all of their money will be lost.

So, that is what we are looking at: every bank failing, zero bank lending, almost all the money in the world going to heaven. How is that not the end of the world? Simple: It is a reverse split. In 2006, let’s say, there was a million dollars in total bank deposits. Then in 2008 all the banks go under. All that is left is the cold cash in people’s pockets, let’s say $100,000 in all.

That remaining cash becomes extremely valuable. It has to work where one million did before. If you had $10 in your pocket and $90 in the bank, you now treat each dollar as if it were ten. The key is that so does everyone else. The world still has its unit of account and medium of exchange, we have just moved the decimal point over on all prices. (Note: gold and silver would rapidly re-enter circulation and quickly become the preferred money, as they always do until government outlaws them).

Of course, deflation on this scale makes debts unpayable, so essentially all debt is defaulted upon, but of course most creditors are bankrupt too. Contracts have to be renegotiated or annulled. No big deal, really. The assets are all still there, just the same as before. Nothing has burned down. A car bought on credit still gets the same mileage as before its loan went bad, a house keeps you just as dry.

Trust the prudent and smart, not bankers and politicians.

Such an event brings about a massive transfer of wealth from the reckless to the prudent and farsighted, who are exactly the people you want making the decisions about what to do with money and assets after the crash. They are statistically and philosophically the best equipped to decide what will generate the highest returns with the lowest risk. Life goes on. There is nothing to rebuild because nothing was destroyed. It is all just reordered in a more sensible fashion. The house in the desert is scrapped for materials. The Lehman mortgage traders find something productive to do, like drive cabs.

But that outcome is so quaint, so 1800s, so gold standard. We’re more scientific today. Bernanke is a wise economist. Congress is benevolent. War is peace, and lies are truth.