Silly Greeks

Those government workers don’t seem to get it: they’re on the same side as their politicians and the foreign bankers. They should all support the bailout and austerity measures, since this is the only way to keep the racket going a little longer. It’s the taxpayers who should be storming parliament and demanding default (just like in the US, UK, Japan, etc)!

Also, it makes perfect sense for the euro to tank on this news — Europe just tipped its hand that it’s likely to print 100s of billions of euros to bail out all these GIPSI nations.

Greece defaulting would be good for the euro, deflationary — 200B in euro balances would go POOF! Even if all the GIPSIs dropped out of the euro, which they would NOT have to do even if they defaulted, the euro could strengthen. In the end, if everyone but Germany defaulted and dropped out of the eurozone, it would be a hard currency and they could just call it the Deutsche Mark again.