Some sector winners and losers so far

The winners are those groups that have fallen the least since mid-January, somewhat adjusted for their potential to decline. I view these as the least prone to violent snap-back rally right now, so this is where I am adding, conservatively, to my short portfolio:


Materials are among the big losers so far. Commodities have a tendency to fall hard right from the peak and keep crashing for months. I’d like to short here, but will wait for a better entry (which may never come).

It is also worth noting that among the world’s stock markets, the US has held up pretty well so far, along with Japan, and believe it or not, Russia. The worst markets, besides Greece (which has already given up the majority of its 2009 gains) are the “emerging markets.”

Key to chart below:

Green: Japan; Purple: Russia; Dark blue: S&P500; Orange: India; Light Green: various emerging markets; Light blue: Europe; Brown: Brazil; Red: China (Shanghai-listed stocks)

I suspect I’m going to be shorting Russia soon. It was among the very worst in 2008.